הירשם עכשיו! נא למלא את הפרטים ואנו נחזור אליך בהקדם

מסכות יופי ופילינג

Two lectures, 3 hours each lecture.
Teaching language: Arabic/Hebrew/English, according to the student’s choice.
Teaching method: face-to-face at the college.


This program is dedicated to general public and also people who work in the field of cosmetics, skin care, treatment of diseases and skin problems.
People who want to study preparation of natural products for cosmetics and peeling.
People who want to study an effective course in the cosmetics field at the largest college in the country.
People who are interested in acquiring a great therapeutic tool in a short period of time.
People who don’t bargain for quality and want to study the most inclusive program in the field of Beauty Masks and Peeling.

הטבות בתכנית הלימודים

1. Well-known lecturers in this field with more than 20 years of therapeutic experience.
2. An integrative studying program that combines complementary medicine with traditional medicine.
3. A family-friendly atmosphere in an academic environment.
4. An intensive course of study that provides graduates the ability to treat an extensive range of problems and preparing products.
5. Suitable studying times that allow students to work and not lose their jobs.
6. The most inclusive program in the field of Beauty Masks and Peeling.

לגבי הקורס

הכנת מסכות יופי ופילינג מחומרי גלם ומשמנים אתריים, 3 מפגשים, 


תעודת השתתפות בסדנא תוענק למשתתפים.







 As well as participants will learn about very common problems and diseases and how to appropriate the product, prepare it and use it. They will also learn principles of using natural beauty masks and peeling to keep the skin healthy. 


Certificate of involvement by CIM college at the French hospital, the certificate is also sealed with the logo of the complementary medical association CMA, the global leader, which is located in London, UK.



פתיחת שנת הלימודים בכל סניפי המכללה בתאריך 27.11.2023. אנו מאחלים הצלחה רבה לסטודנטים ומברכים את הסטודנטים החדשים על הצטרפותם למשפחת המכללה.

חלק מסיפורי ההצלחה שלנו

לכל הסרטונים

CIM המכללה המובילה בארץ!

בשיתוף עם

איחוד האמירויות הערביות

ביזנס ביי

ואדי עארה


אוניברסיטת עמאן אל-אהליה
